The number of consists that can be stored in a system varies from system to system based on memory capacity of the command station and is not related to the cabs being used.
The Power Cab command station memory has storage for 16 consists numbered 112-127.
The SB3, SB3a, SB5 SmartBooster command station memory has storage for 16 consists numbered 112-127.
The 5 amp PH-Pro system box and the CS02 command station have memory capacity for 128 consists numbered 1-127.
When creating a consist do not change the consist number. Always use the number assigned by the system.
This ventures into the gray area where consisting aliases and regular locomotive numbers can intertwine. To make things even more interesting the way different DCC systems (NCE, Digitrax, MRC, Lenz , etc. treat consists is not standardized at all under the NMRA and can get a bit ugly sometimes. Without getting into a long winded and boring explanation the simple version is NEVER use a SHORT address that is 128 or lower.
Remember that long address and short address are two different types of numbers. In a locomotive only type of address can be active at a time. Consequently 114 and 0114 are NOT THE SAME ADDRESS! 114 is a short address, but it is ALSO a valid consist ID. Hence the confusion. 0114 is a LONG ADDRESS.
For anyone who uses consisting and also happens to have low numbered three (or two) digit locos I have this conversation with. Also never change the consist ID the command station automatically assigns when creating a consist.