
SB5 - Smartbooster for the Power Cab

The SB5 Smart Booster adds expanded and updated features to a Power Cab DCC system. The first and most noticeable feature is additional power (5 Amps) to run trains and accessories. Your Power Cab when used with the SB5 can now be unplugged and used in true walk around fashion. It no longer needs to remain connected for the system to work. You can unplug it and move to different panels without disturbing the locos operation. Up to 6 cabs can be used with the SB5 (Cab address range 2 through 7). Equipped Cabs have up to six recalls each when used with the SB5. Additional 5 Amp boosters (DB5) may be added to the SB5 for even more power handling on larger layouts. Each booster can handle between 5 and 10 HO scale locos.

When used with the SB5, the PCP (Power Cab Panel ) now  functions only as an extension of the cab bus jacks on the sb5. Track power is now coming from the SB5 instead of the PCP.

The type of cab bus cables (4 or 6 wire) used makes no difference. In this case which SB5 cab bus jacks you use make no difference either, the cab bus jacks on the SB5 are both the same, and all 4 jacks on the PCP work all the same now.  They are all just to extend the cab bus jacks on the front of the SB5.

The SB5 does NOT have a programming track output. The basic Power Cab provides this capability. For a dedicated programming track use the Power Can in the original configuration using the PCP and P114 without the SB5 on a seperate piece of track. Now you have BOTH a dedicated programming system AND 5 amp booster on your layout!  The Power Cab can be used in both situations simply by unplugging it and moving between the two system locations.

The power supply that came with the Power Cab is only needed when using the Power Cab as separate full system along with the PCP- Power Cab Panel. An example would be: to run a test track on your workbench. The Power Cab functions as a Pro Cab when used with the SB5 and is then powered by the SB5. If you have no need for a test track on a workbench, you can reuse the original Power Cab Panel as a UTP – Universal Throttle Panel. Simply use the plug on the back of the panel to plug it in up to 30 feet away from the SB5. In this case the panel needs no power at all since you just using it as a throttle extension. The track power originates from the SB5.

Check out the Power Cab upgrade path section for more information.

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