Each cab MUST have a unique Cab address. The address range is based on which DCC System is being used.
To reset any NCE throttle including the Power Cab, hold down "select loco" key while plugging in the cable. After it is pluggewd in, release button. You can now read or change cab address. To make no changes press "enter". With the cursor blinking, select new address then press enter, or use 00 to reset the cab to factory defaults. Press enter.
The valid cab address range is based on which DCC System is being used.
Default cab addresses on the DCC twin for Cabs are 0 and 1. If you add a second DCC Twin, it needs to be set to slave mode. In slave mode: DCC Twin Valid Cab Id’s are: 2- 7 for throttles. Use 8, 9, and 10 for cab bus devices. Locos programmed using the DCC Twin will be set to 3 and 4 short DCC addresses. those are the only two loco number options without adding a Por Cab or Power Cab.
The Power Cab is a 2 amp system. Default Cab Id is 2. Valid Cab Id’s are: 2, 3, 4, and 5. Note** Cab Id 5 is only available with firmware 1.65. Cab Id’s 6 are 7 reserved. Use 8, 9, or 10 for cab bus devices.
SB5 – 5 Amp Smartbooster Valid Cab Id’s are: 2 thru 7. Use 8, 9, 10 for cab bus devices.
Power Pro System you can use 2 - 63 for NON RADIO throttles.
RB02 - Radio Base Station can have a maximum of 16 Procabs using radio. When using radio cabs, use 2 -17 for wireless Pro Cabs due to limitation of display memory. All other wireless throttles can use any valid Cab Id up to 48. It is recommended to reserve lower slots 2-17 for full size Pro Cabs.