
Wireless (V1.5) Gen3 Details


NCE’s Generation 3 Radio

Unrivalled Performance

NCE has released Generation 3 radio (also know as Version 1.5), delivering improvements over the previous 2nd Generation radio (RB02 &repeaters release), that provides unrivalled performance with the following:

Increased response: The key press response is greatly improved, almost the same as being "plugged in". No more having to be "deliberate", as per previous suggestion to improve key stroke "transmission". Acquiring locos with the Cab04s and the ProCab happens every time. No delay in the horn and the horn goes off after the button has been released.

Consistent performance: Communications with the RB01/2/RPT1 is consistent and people in the train room will not affect radio performance as they used to. The need for repeaters will only be necessary on the largest layouts and/or if you use 2 inch antennas. Unobstructed view to an RB01/RB02/RPT1 in many situations is no longer necessary.

Increased range. Throttle range has been increased to over 100 feet, depending on the antennas used.

How to upgrade to 3rd Generation radio. The throttles will have to be sent to NCE or authorized radio upgrade facility for the upgrade. Contact NCE or authorized radio upgrade facility to co-ordinate your throttle upgrades (see the Generation 3 page on the NCE web site).

FAQs about NCE new 3rd (V1.5) Generation Radio.

Thanks to Mark Schutzer, Mark Gurries and Marcus Ammann for putting together this FAQ.

A special thank you to Mark Schutzer for all his technical help improving the radio reception of the V1.5 upgrade.

How do I know if I have version 1.5 of the radio? For ProCabs, you will have version 1.5 of the radio, when "V1.5" shows briefly at the second "VX.X" when the cab is turned on, prior to the "normal" operating throttle display. The first VX.X shows the ProCab’s software version.

With Cab04’s or Cab05’s you cannot externally identify the radio version, but a simple test will tell you if you have the upgraded version. Take your cab 50 ft away from your base station and look at the polling LED on top,if it is still flashing then it already has version 1.5.

When was Version 1.5 first released? Version 1.5 started to be shipped late Oct 07.

What will be modified? Only the Throttle/Cab radio boards. There are no changes or modifications to the Command Station, RB01, RB02 or RPT1 Repeaters.

Do I need the 1.5 Radio Upgrade? -NO. Many users of NCE radio have had good performance with their existing radio system. These users have no need to have their throttles upgraded.


The Procab-R operates in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) radio band at 916.5 MegaHertz (Mhz).

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