
Cab Ids explained

Each cab MUST have a unique Cab address. The address range is based on which DCC System is being used.

Cab address range is based on which DCC System is being used. If you think you have a cab Id conflict go here:

The Powercab default Cab Id is 2  Valid Cab Id’s are: 2, 3, 4, and 5. Note** Cab Id 5 is only available with firmware 1.65.  Cab Id’s 6 are 7 reserved. Use 8, 9, or 10 for cab bus devices only.

DCC Twin - Valid Cab Id’s are:    2- 7 for throttles.  Use 8, 9, and 10 for cab bus devices only. Default cab addresses on the DCC twin for Cabs are 0 and 1.

SB3 / SB3a  - Valid Cab Id’s are: 2, 3, 4, and 5. Note** Cab Id 5 is only available with updated firmware.  Cab Id’s 6 are 7 reserved. Use 8, 9, or 10 for cab bus devices only.

SB5 –  Valid Cab Id’s are: 2 thru 7   Use 8, 9, 10 for cab bus devices only.

Power Pro System 1 - 63   throttles

RB02 - Radio Base Station can have a maximum of 16 Procabs running radio.

**** Note: Use 2-17 for Radio equipped Procabs due to heavy memory usage by the LCD Display. All other wireless throttles can use 2 – 47. It is recommended 18 - 47 this is to reserve lower slots for full size cabs.

Try not to go above 48 due possible conflicts with Cab Bus Devices such as the AIU.



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