The Tsunami supports both short (CV 1) and long (CV 17,18) addresses. Short addresses have a range of 1-127 while long addresses have a range of 0001-9,999. The address on your decoder can be changed on either the programming track (in some cases you will need a PTB-100 programming track booster available from SoundTraxx) or on the mainline. Since the procedure for programming varies from command station to command station, you will need to refer to the owner’s manual for specific instructions. The Dynamis system will not require a PTB-100. If you are using a Bachmann E-Z Command a PTB-100 is not necessary but the address can only be set to a range of 1-10.
Changing the address of a Tsunami sound-equipped locomotive with other DCC command stations (such as Dynamis)
Programming Track:
When programming the address on the programming track simply change the corresponding CVs to the desired address.
If you have trouble programming, you may need a PTB-100 programming track booster.
Example: Changing the address from 3 to 50, set CV 1=50 and the locomotive will now respond to address 50 when placed on the mainline.
Mainline Programming (Ops Mode):
If you do not have a PTB-100, you can still change the address on the mainline. When programming the address on the mainline it is important to note that you must know the current address of the locomotive or else it will not program that locomotive since it only sends the programming packets (CV adjustments) to the selected locomotive. It is also important to notice what type of address you currently are using as the decoder will not allow you to change the type of address currently in use. For example, a Bachmann Tsunami-equipped locomotive comes with a default value of short address 3. To change the address you must first change it to a long address.