DO NOT update anything unless you are trying to solve a problem.
To get the radio firmware version on a Pro Cab or converted Power Cab, turn off the cab and then the DCC system. Hit the red e-stop button to turn the throttle back on. You will see the wireless version on the screen.
The current WIRELESS radio version is 1.71 Note that this differs from the Pro Cab keypad and display firmware, which is always 1.3.
Any cab NOT version 1.5 or higher will need a new wireless board with an internal antenna installed. The cost for this is $106+ return shipping. You must also send in your RB02 radio base station if it is not version 2.1. Check the sticker on the bottom. Upgrading to wireless firmware costs $30 per item + return shipping.
The RB01 and non-upgraded RB02 radio base station would start to show problems when the following conditions were met:
1) A lot of radio cabs were being used.
2) The combination of wired (plugged-in) and wireless (radio) cabs being used at the same time.
3) The radio cab addresses are being used.
1) Key presses to get dropped
2) Runaway trains
3) Several cab addresses (8, 18, and 49) would cause the system to do bad things.