
DCC waveform

DCC waveform.JPG


© 2001-2004, by the National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
S-9.2 Communications Standards for DCC     Page 1 of 4                Printed: July 2004
10   This standard covers the format of the information sent via Digital Command Stations to 
Digital Decoders. A Digital Command Station transmits this information to Digital Decoders by 
sending a series of bits using the NMRA digital signal described in S-9.1. This sequence of bits, 
termed a packet, is used to encode one of a set of instructions that the Digital Decoder operates 
upon. Packets must be precisely defined to ensure that the intended instructions can be properly 
encoded and decoded.
15  A. General Packet Format
The following sequence of bits defines a valid NMRA packet. Any sequence of bits not meeting the 
full specifications of this general packet format is not, for the purpose of this standard, a 
"packet". Digital decoders should not act on any instructions that are not contained within a valid 
packet while in the NMRA digital mode of operation1. Note, portions within square [ ] brackets must 
occur one or more times.
Preamble:        The preamble to a packet consists of a sequence of "1" bits. A digital decoder 
must not accept as a valid, any preamble that has less then 10 complete one bits, or require for 
proper reception of a packet with more than 12 complete one bits. A command station must send a 
minimum of 14 full preamble bits.
Packet Start Bit:     The packet start bit is the first bit with a value of "0" that follows a 
valid preamble. The Packet Start Bit terminates the preamble and indicates that the next bits are 
an address data byte.
Address Data Byte:    The first data byte of the packet normally contains eight bits of address 
information2. The first transmitted address bit shall be defined to be the most significant bit of 
the address data byte. Address Data Bytes with values 00000000, 11111110, and 11111111 are reserved 
for special operations and must not be transmitted except as provided in this Standard or 
associated Recommended Practices.
[ Data Byte Start Bit:  This bit precedes a data byte and has the value of "0".
Data Byte:        Each data byte contains eight bits of information used for address, instruction, 
data, or error detection purposes. The first transmitted data bit of each data byte shall be 
defined to be the most significant bit of the data byte. ]
Packet End Bit:     This bit marks the termination of the packet and has a value of "1"3.
1 It is permissible for Digital Decoders to accept formats in addition to the NMRA General Packet 
Format. See Section C for details.
2 The first byte can also be used in special cases to indicate instructions. See the Service Mode 
Recommended Practice (RP-9.2.3) for an example of this dual use.
3 The Packet End Bit may count as one of the preamble bits of the subsequent packet if there are no 
inter-packet bits from an alternative command control protocol. The DCC bitstream must continue for 
an additional 26 µS (minimum) after the packet end bit.
Communications  Standards For Digital Command Control, All Scales
Adopted July 2004    S 9.2
This Standard received approval from the NMRA Membership and the Board of Trustees in January
1994, July 2002 and July 2004.
Figure 1 provides an example of an acceptable command control packet that uses three data bytes: 
one address data byte, one instruction data byte and one error detection data byte.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0  0  0  0
1 1 1
Address Data Byte
Instruction Data Byte
Error Detection Data Byte
Packet Start Bit    Data Byte Start Bit    Data Byte Start Bit       Packet End Bit
Figure 1 Example of a Transmitted Packet
B: Baseline Packets
The Baseline Packets are included to provide the minimum interoperability between different 
systems. More complex packet formats that support different types of decoders, additional 
functions, addresses and speeds are
30   provided in the Extended Packet Format Recommended Practice (RP-9.2.1). It is the intention of 
this Standard that, in order to conform: a Command Station must encode operator control input in 
conformance with the Baseline Packet semantics; and a Digital Decoder must recognize and provide 
suitable locomotive control electrical output in conformance with the Baseline Packet semantics. 
Digital Decoder Idle Packets and Digital Decoder Broadcast Stop Packets4 (defined below) are 
optional for Command Stations, and required for decoders.
Speed and Direction Packet For Locomotive Decoders
111111111111 0    0AAAAAAA 0 01DCSSSS 0  EEEEEEEE 1
Preamble       Byte One   Byte Two    Byte Three (Error Detection Data Byte)
Byte One: Address Data Byte = 0AAAAAAA The address data byte contains the address of the intended 
recipient of the packet. Every Digital Decoder shall be capable of retaining and recognizing its 
own address for purposes of responding to Baseline Packets. Locomotive Digital Decoders shall 
support the full range of baseline addresses in such a manner that this address is easily 
configurable by the user5. It is acceptable
45       for Digital Command Stations to restrict the number of valid addresses supported so long 
as this restriction is clearly and plainly labeled on the package and in the instructions.
Byte Two: Instruction Data Byte = 01DCSSSS The instruction data byte is a data byte used to 
transmit speed and direction information to the locomotive Digital Decoder.  Bits 0-36 provides 4 
bits for speed (S) with bit
50        0 being the least significant speed bit. Bit four of byte 2 (C) by default shall contain 
one additional speed bit, which is the least significant speed bit. For backward compatibility, 
this bit may instead be used to control the headlight. This optional use is defined in RP-9.2.1.  
Bit 5 provides one bit for direction (D). When the direction bit (D) has a value of "1" the 
locomotive should move in the forward direction7. A direction bit with the value of "0" should 
cause the locomotive to go in the reverse direction. Bits 7 and 6
55       contain the bit sequence "01"8 which are used to indicate that this instruction data byte 
is for speed and direction.
4 Broadcast Stop Packet requirement for decoders, effective 1-Aug-2002.
5 The Service Mode Recommended Practice (RP-9.2.3) contains one example of an acceptable method for 
user address configuration.
6 Bits within a byte are numbered right to left with bit 0 (the right most bit) being the least 
significant bit and bit 7 (the left most bit) being the most significant bit.
7 Forward in this case is in the direction of the front of the locomotive, as observed from the 
engineer's position within the locomotive.
8 Other bit patterns in bits 7 and 6 are reserved for other types of instruction data, and are 
defined in the Extended Packet Format Recommended Practice (RP-9.2.1).
© 2001-2004, by the National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
S-9.2 Communications Standards for DCC     Page 2 of 4                Printed: July 2004
CS₃S₂S₁S₀  Speed
CS₃S₂S₁S₀  Speed
Stop Stop (I) E-Stop*
E-Stop* (I) Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 19
Step 20
Step 21
Step 22
Step 23
Step 24
Step 25
Step 26
Step 27
Step 28
•  *Digital Decoders shall immediately stop delivering power to the motor.
60           •  (I) Direction bit may be ignored for directional sensitive functions. 
Figure 2 Speed Table for Baseline Packet
Byte Three: Error Detection Data Byte = EEEEEEEE The error detection data byte is a data byte used 
to detect the presence of transmission errors. The contents of the Error Detection Data Byte shall 
be the bitwise
65       exclusive OR of the contents of the Address Data Byte and the Instruction Data Byte in the 
packet concerned. (e.g. the exclusive OR of bit 0 of the address data byte and bit 0 of the 
instruction data byte will be placed in bit 0 of the error detection data byte...) Digital Decoders 
receiving a Baseline Packet shall compare the received error detection data byte with the bitwise 
exclusive OR of the received address and instruction data bytes and ignore the contents of the 
packet if this comparison is not identical.
The example packet shown in figure 1 illustrates a baseline packet with the instruction to 
locomotive 55 to proceed in the forward direction at speed step 6.
Digital Decoder Reset Packet For All Decoders
111111111111 000000000 0   00000000 0   00000000 1
Preamble   Byte One    Byte Two    Byte Three (Error Detection Data Byte)
A three byte packet, where all eight bits within each of the three bytes contains the value of "0", 
is defined as a
80   Digital Decoder Reset Packet. When a Digital Decoder receives a Digital Decoder Reset Packet, 
it shall erase all volatile memory (including any speed and direction data), and return to its 
normal power-up state. If the Digital Decoder is operating a locomotive at a non-zero speed when it 
receives a Digital Decoder Reset, it shall bring the locomotive to an immediate stop.
85   Following a Digital Decoder Reset Packet, a Command Station shall not send any packets with an 
address data byte between the range "01100100" and "01111111" inclusive within 20 milliseconds, 
unless it is the intent to enter service mode9.
Digital Decoder Idle Packet For All Decoders
111111111111 0    11111111 0   00000000 0   11111111  1
Preamble   Byte One    Byte Two    Byte Three (Error Detection Data Byte)
A three byte packet, whose first byte contains eight "1"s, whose second byte contains eight "0"s 
and whose third
95   and final byte contains eight "1"s, is defined as a Digital Decoder Idle Packet. Upon 
receiving this packet, Digital Decoders shall perform no new action, but shall act upon this packet 
as if it were a normal digital packet addressed to some other decoder.
9 Digital Decoders can have their configurations altered immediately after a digital decoder reset 
packet. See the Service Mode Recommended Practice(RP-9.2.3) for details.
© 2001-2004, by the National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
S-9.2 Communications Standards for DCC     Page 3 of 4                Printed: July 2004
© 2001-2004, by the National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
S-9.2 Communications Standards for DCC     Page 4 of 4                Printed: July 2004
Digital Decoder Broadcast Stop Packets For All Decoders10
111111111111 0 00000000 0 01DC000S 0 EEEEEEEE 1
Preamble  Byte One   Byte Two   Byte Three (Error Detection Data Byte)
A three byte packet, whose first byte contains eight "0"s, whose second byte contains a specific 
stop command and whose third and final byte contains an error byte that is identical to the second 
byte of the packet, is defined as a Digital Decoder Broadcast Stop Packet. Upon receiving this 
packet where bit zero of byte two (S) contains a value of "0", digital decoders intended to control 
a locomotive's motor shall bring the locomotive to a stop.
Upon receiving this packet where bit zero of byte two (S) contains a value of "1", digital decoders 
intended to control a locomotive's motor shall stop delivering energy to the motor. If bit four of 
byte 2 (C) contains a value of "1", the direction bit contained in bit five of byte 2 (D) may 
optionally be ignored for all direction sensitive functions.
C: Frequency Of Packet Transmission
Packets sent to Digital Decoders should be repeated as frequently as possible, as a packet may have 
been lost due to noise or poor electrical conductivity between wheels and rails. Power may also be 
removed from the rails between the Packet End Bit and the Preamble of the next packet to allow for 
alternative command control formats. A Digital Decoder shall be able to act upon multiple packets 
addressed to it, provided the time between the packet end bit of the first packet and the packet 
start bit of the second packet are separated by at least 5 milliseconds11. If a decoder receives a 
bit sequence with a missing or invalid data byte start bit, a missing or invalid packet end bit, or 
an incorrect error detection byte, it must recognize the next valid preamble sequence as the 
beginning of a new packet. Alternative command control formats are specifically allowed between the 
packet end bit and the start of the next preamble.
Manufacturers of decoders are encouraged to provide automatic conversion for a variety of power 
signals and command control formats in addition to the NMRA digital signal (per S-9.1), provided 
that automatic conversion to these alternate power signals can be disabled. If automatic conversion 
is enabled, Digital Decoders must remain in digital mode and not convert to using any alternate 
power signal so long as the time between Packet Start Bits is less than or equal to 30 milliseconds 
in duration. If automatic conversion is disabled, Digital Decoders must remain in digital mode 
regardless of the timing of Packet Start Bits. It shall be possible to configure Digital Command 
Stations to transmit at least one complete packet every 30 milliseconds as measured from the time 
between packet start bits12.13
10Broadcast Stop Packet requirement for decoders, effective 1-Aug-2002.
11 Care must be taken to ensure that two packets with identical addresses are not are not 
transmitted within 5 milliseconds of each other for addresses in the range between 112-127 as older 
decoders may interpret these packets as service mode packets (see RP-9.2.3).
12 Some DCC decoders manufactured prior to the NMRA standards require a valid baseline packet be 
received every 30 milliseconds to prevent analog power conversion.
13 Longer repetition rates may result in less than optimal decoder performance


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